EDIT mapViewer is a webmapping application designed for visualizing georeferenced data coming non-GIS (Geographic Information Systems) taxonomists. Such data must be puntual, and in CSV format.
It does not work with Internet Explorer. We recommend to use Firefox 3.
EDIT mapViewer is not made for fast travelling around the world. If you do so you can get frustrated.
The usual workflow should be:
-Upload (and symbolize if necessary) your CSV data (with georeferenced point data)
-Add the geographic layers you may need and are provided by EDIT
-Add the scalebar, windrose if necessary.
-Print (download) the map in different image formats and resolutions.
-Print the map and your points legend, as well as a key map.
The more geographic layers you add, slower will be the webapplication. For that reason we strongly recommend to add the layers only when your area of interest is ‘zoomed’, ready for printing.
EDIT mapViewer is modular. It means not all the functionalities are shown by default. You can add them in ‘Modules’ section: spatial analysis, Google&Yahoo maps, GBIF information…
Basic interface
EDIT servers provide some geographic information that is used in EDIT mapViewer. All this information is on the left menu, ‘Layers’. It is grouped in different categories and at different resolutions. Simply switch on/off layers selecting the correspondent checkbox.
Each layer you add you can see the map legend grows also.
You can also show/hide all the layers within a group (eg: Natural Features) after opening the white cross (top-right of the map) and checking it’s selector (‘Natural Features’).
Some of these layers (and/or its label) are not visible at some zooming level (or scale). Layer symbolization is possible in a few layers, but unfortunately the legend will not be printed with this new generated style.
Upload your point data
Your puntual data must be in a comma-separated-falues file (CSV) and have at least latitude and longitude in WGS84 datum and a field for future filtering and symbolization.
The system is currently designed to work with Genus and Species, and these have to be the third (and fourth) field in your CSV.
You can try to work with other kind of data (data of collection…), but you must have at least a third field in the CSV, and in that case the Spatial Analysis module has not much sense.
Don't leave any blank space! don't use non-latin characters or symbols (accents, > commas...)be sure you have in all the records the same number of fields
Any error in your file will avoid its uploading to EDIT mapViewer!
IMPORTANT:your data will be removed as soon as you leave the webapplication
Coordinates must follow Decimal notation (eg: 0.44, -79.9). To convert to Decimal notation you can use the Coordinate Conversor
Note that depending on how many fields your CSV have you can symbolize by:
-Third field (Genus by default)
-Fourth field (Species by default)
-Third and Fourt field (Genus and Species by default)
Be aware that some point layer can overlay others, making them not visible (e.g; Genus layer can overlay Species if both are selected on the same time). Moreover, the performance when browsing the map can drastically decrease.
You can ‘merge’ different CSVs in the same map; simply switch on the ‘add to the current map’ before uploading the second CSV file.
EDIT mapViewer provides a CSV file for testing.
The parameters to fill for this test file are:
• Number of fields:5
• Latitude: 1
• Longitude: 2